"Wanderlust, the very strong or irresistible impulse to travel, is adopted untouched from the German, presumably because it couldn't be improved upon. Workarounds like the French passion du voyage don't quite capture the same meaning. Wanderlust is not a passion for travel exactly; it's something more animal and more fickle - something more like lust." -Elizabeth Eaves in Wanderlust
I'm reading this book now (started it earlier this summer & took a break because I wanted to finish it during my travels)...& I know it's one I'll read over and over again. I love the way she titles each chapter; ex: "on inspiration", "on coming & going", "on promises"..
And speaking of coming & going - I'm going to Iceland! Reykjavik, to be specific, and for a mere 24 hours. MK & I will head to JK this afternoon for our 8:30ish flight. Next post will hopefully be from Paris!
Europe awaits :)
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